5 Frequent Misapprehensions Prevailing about Web Application Development Services

With the web taking the globe into its stride, there appears a steep rise in the demand for client focussed applications and hence the rise of web application development services is quite obvious. More and more number of developers are getting inclined towards web app development and more and more clients are looking forward to fulfilling their needs, aspirations and requirements through this comprehensive technology. As the demand and supply both increase exponentially, certain inbuilt misunderstandings and myths are bound to join in, leading to a hazy and unclear environment. It becomes very essential for a developer as well as the organizations, which go in for this software, to be aware of these misconceptions and be well aware and prepared of its consequences and solutions. With umpteen service providers foraying around, which one to choose and why, becomes a big question mark and that too amidst these many confusions. It’s a tough task, but let us make it easy by understanding how to simplify these statements in the right manner and understand the real meaning of it, rather than twisting and turning it to make it look like a jig saw puzzle.

Whether it is the internet or the intranet, with continuously upgrading key trends in app development, the main focus of web based application development is to use the communal aspect of the web to come up with a comprehensive, scalable and interactive solution, meant for easy and simplistic user interface and interaction. But, what comes across as a major hurdle is implementing customized web apps with optimized infrastructure expenses and embrace mobility with ease. Though maximum projects try their best to survive and succeed, it is not everyone’s cup of tea. There are bound failures and successes with varied ratio.

5 Imprecise Assumptions about Web Application Services

With enterprises realizing the importance of having a web application in place, it becomes all the more important to have them clear of all misconceptions that they perceive with respect to web application programming. It is always better to plunge into a new technology with a positive and doubtless frame of mind. Let us attempt to look into each fallacy and bring up its affirmative explanation.

web applications development

  • It is an easy task to design and develop web applications

It is certainly not the case. Although it may look quite lucid and simple, web application development is not an easy job. It has its own share of complications and complexities assigned to it, in order to make it a successful attempt. Yes, it is a simple task to build a straightforward website, but it is equally challenging to build a performance oriented, responsive, standard, beautiful, user friendly and effortless website. With mobility all around, responsive designs are a must. No longer can your web app simply function on one device and not work on the other. It has to seamlessly function at its best across all mobile devices and that itself is the toughest challenge service providers have to overcome, to enhance their client satisfaction level. This is one area where your value for money has to be ascertained to its optimum else you are in for a low grade, subsidized quality website.

  • Engage All Stakeholders in the Entire Process

Usually, we find it a good practice to involve all stakeholders in the design and development of any project. But when it comes to web application development services, it isn’t true. Involving everyone starting from developers to end clients doesn’t always work. ‘Too many cooks spoil the broth’ – so truly said. Since web designing and development look so simple, every brain has its own set of ideas and wants to implement it that way which leads to utter confusion and chaos, absolutely unhealthy for the entire project.

  • Once the web designing and development is done, the app is done

It is a heavy misconception that once the design, development and first round of implementation is done and the web app is launched, that is end of the story. No, it does not hold true for this kind of development. There is a continual change and up gradation in the web environment in terms of browser updates, devices, releases, SEO rules, website content, blogs, broken links and much more. If you don’t upgrade your web app in lines with these parameters, it is surely not going to yield you high ranking and garner higher leads.

  • The Designers have to Perform as the Developers Say

Whenever we talk of any kind of app development, yes, the developers may have a higher say but when we talk about web applications development, its goes a different way. The designers and developers need to work in sync and both hold equal importance since the web holds a large authority over how the app is designed and hence the designers need to have their own special ‘creative and intuitive’ tint to give that flavour to the app. At that point, what is most needed is the support and freedom of developers to let the designers perform with their own judgement and choice, which surely would lead to a successful implementation.

  • Since it’s a web based framework, Security is not an issue

Why do business owners have this false assumption that since it is a web based application, security is inbuilt and we need not cater to it separately at all? Although most frameworks have security inbuilt, there are certain flaws that are bound to occur in the business logic itself. No security procedure can stop that and hence that has to be catered to, with special attention. Hence, it is always a wise step to not only rely on ingrained security features, but implement primary security manually and perform all checks to understand the importance of a secure environment.

These are few of the most common misconceptions when it comes to web application development services. Although solutions are easy to find if identified early, they would surely harm the entire success story of your app if sidelined. Beware of these, do not let them loose and then rest assured for a successful and appreciable web app your way !

Please visit www.valueedgesolutions.com and Request a Quote/Proposal for developing Your web Applications.

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